Yes, I’m interested in stories, inspiration, and photo journals from the Shank family and Family Cow Team about the Anabaptist community of faith.
Disclaimer from Farmer Edwin:
I’m not a minister, nor a church leader of any kind. I’m simply a regenerative, organic farmer / husband / father / grandfather who fervently loves God, His Word and especially The Family of God. My wife Dawn and I and our extended family have a joyful faith in God and his goodness and will be glad to answer questions about our experience growing up and living in the Mennonite community. We may even occasionally share spontaneous inspiration from our personal meditation that moves our hearts.
The answers that we give, the stories we tell will be uniquely ours. We'll try to be as accurate as we can when answering questions, but it’s good to keep in mind that we are not speaking for all Mennonites in any official way. We are just sharing our personal life and faith as we experience it and understand it. If we get it explained in a less than clear way sometimes... well, I guess that is the reality of life too! :) Please forgive us.
This Food for the Soul blog is unlike anything that I've ever done. So please be patient with me. I’m not sure yet how it will go or who all will do the writing. Most likely I’ll do most of it, but some of the rest of our six children and in-laws and maybe even Dawn will write some too. We’ll just take it one day at a time. ;) Some of the rest of our team at The Family Cow farm may also share their personal inspiration or answers occasionally especially since the inspiration for this blog did grow directly out of the 'spiritual journey' type questions we were getting from our Family Cow tribe.
You asked to hear... so please don’t be offended by what we share.
If you don’t like what you read... just unsubscribe. We will understand.
We are not forcing anyone to believe like us or embrace our faith. We strongly believe in freedom of religion.
And, we absolutely welcome your questions too! You may email us any question you wish at answers@acceptedwithhim.com. There is no such thing as a dumb question. And no, you won't offend us. We are actually rather used to questions. :)
We can't commit to personally answer every email, but we do promise to read them all. Your input, questions and feedback will definitely shape future posts. And, you never know... we might get back to you with a personal answer too. We'll do our best!
Thank you for your interest in spiritual things!
Faith, Hope and LOVE!
Your farmers ~ Edwin and Dawn Shank and Family
“Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13